Friday, December 19, 2008

Photo Friday and Sharing Some Fun News!

It's been a little while since I shared photos of Sabrina. I finally pulled these off of my full CF card and processed December photos. I say "processed" since I shoot in RAW and have to use software to convert the photos to JPG. It takes a little extra time, but it is so worth it to me. I don't have to worry if my white balance is off when I take the photo since I can go back and fix it before it becomes a JPG. I didn't like how these turned out (still trying to play with the settings on my external flash), so I converted them to black and white.

Dan did the Tempe Ironman in April, but they were sold out of a lot of the kids t-shirts by the time we got to the store and only had "My Mom's an Ironman" shirts (yeah, right -- that is never going to happen!). I had commented that it would be really cute if the graphics of swimming, biking and running were of Snoopy, so we got on the internet to find some images and Dan designed this t-shirt for Sabrina. We uploaded it to Cafe Press and they printed it right away. I think they turned out pretty cute!

And now, for my fun news...
Taylor contacted me this week with some fun news for me: Top Chef and SASI Friday Friend!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great weekend! I'll be finishing up the last of my calendar gifts and getting my Christmas cards in the mail.